Saturday, April 23, 2016

Dog First Aid and CPR


Here is a helpful website. They have all sorts of information and booklets on first aid for all kinds of animals.  They have instruction books for raising animals from birth to adult. A super site for almost every question you  have about raising an animal as a pet.

They have first aid guides for dogs, cats and many other animals.

The seller says: 
 This guide provides detailed instructions on what to do in any emergency that your dog is likely to have, including bleeding injuries, choking incidents, intestinal upsets, bites and stings, birthing difficulties, poisoning, rescue breathing & CPR
Without warning, tragedy can strike your dog, so YOU must know what to do. Statistics show that preventable accidents are the leading cause of death, with 9 dogs out of 10 expected to have an emergency during their lifetime! According to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), 25% more animals could be saved if just one Pet First-Aid technique was applied prior to getting Veterinary care. The most skilled Veterinarian cannot bring your dog or puppy back to life, but by knowing Pet First Aid & CPR, YOU can keep your best friend alive until you reach medical help. First-Aid techniques can also prevent pain and further injury to your dog and help you to recognize emergency situations so that professional Veterinary care can be obtained as quickly as possible.
This is a good site for pet information.  I received my book at a low cost in exchange for this honest review.


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